Contact Information

An important message and request

Prof. Dipankar have been in pursuit to create the 'Bell Labs', in a newer model, and which can work on many scientific and technological problems facing humanity.  This he calls the TREELabs.  This has been his journey for the past two decades. He has deliberately chosen the off-beaten path of exploration and scientific pursuit. 

To accomplish this task he needs many of you to lend your good wishes. This is a sincere request for help, financially and otherwise, to make this endeavor successful. We need to raise significant funds immediately to set up our first laboratories that can create many more wonders like the Desktop Foundry, Cookee, Ice-maker, Welding-machines, etc (the full list is quite long).  The Treelabs model aims to be financially self-fueling, and so we are only looking for bootstrapping help. We are already in the process of partnering with a few industries. Our immediate target is to raise an equivalent of around USD5-10M to set up a decent functioning lab. So please come ahead with your generous help in a scientific endeavor to change the world we live in. Let us not just do business, but let us create revolutions! We will not disappoint you.

Prof. Dipankar will be happy to give a "return gift", as a token of appreciation,  of a the latest Cookee range for every prominent donor to this cause. For the really generous and motivated folks, he can also make himself personally available to give you a private cooking demo session. For everyone else our sincere thanks will be always there, however materially small may be your contributions.

Unfortunately Government of India does not consider such scientific and inventing pursuits to benefit society worthwhile, and so your donations and other contributions for this scientific cause do not give you any tax benefits like the 80G. Treelabs Foundation, a not-for-profit section-25 company have tried many times to convince the Government.  The constitution of the country clearly encourages creating of the scientific temper. However, our largely scientifically non-motivated and to some extent science-agnostic politicians and bureaucrats do not care much for such tenets. Alas, this is a 'battle' for another day!

We are also looking for the real fire-in-the-belly folks, from around the world, who can be part of creating our "ashram". In the TREELabs "ashram" we intend to create the most talented scientists, technocrats and leaders of the world.  We are agnostic to physical age, gender, sexual orientation, race, color, nationality, religion, ethnicity, language, physical-handicaps, financial status, etc. We certainly do not look at your degrees and college certificates to gauge your worth. So if you believe you are keen to change the world, please do write to us at the earliest.

We call ourselves "Monkees" (pronounced "monkey" : 'Monks' in the Treelab's "ashram"). We will be happy to explore if you can also be a monkee within our folds. It can change your life for good. Together we can transform lives, around the world. We mostly speak the language of science and logic, coupled with basic human values.

Many thanks for reading so far.  We need your best wishes in the path ahead.


Here is a short 7min audio-visual introduction to TREELabs.

Reaching us

Prof. Dipankar,

TREELabs Foundation,
627, 6th Floor, Master Mind IV,
Royal Palms, Aarey Milk Colony,
Goregaon(E), Mumbai-400065,


Phone: +91-773-884-7537

Please note that email is probably the quickest and surest way to contact Prof. Dipankar, since he does not carry a cell-phone. He is often traveling in the interior of the country (India), to many rural projects of interest to him. He also has a regular schedule of traveling outside the country. However, he hopes to make many friends like you, from around the world. And if our minds can meet and harmonize, wonders are waiting to happen. So please do write.